Tiny vs. little
What’s the difference between 0.1% and 2%? Both are small amounts. One is tiny. One is little.
The fatality rate for the flu is 0.1%. For COVID-19, during the initial outbreak, it was 2%. The difference appears small. People had difficulty understanding it. What would have happened if the media had led with “COVID-19 is 20 times more fatal than the flu”?
Wrapping data in context matters.
Soft Power Leaders make their data sing.
- Anwell Tsai
What’s the difference between 0.1% and 2%? Both are small amounts. One is tiny. One is little.
The fatality rate for the flu is 0.1%. For COVID-19, during the initial outbreak, it was 2%. The difference appears small. People had difficulty understanding it. What would have happened if the media had led with “COVID-19 is 20 times more fatal than the flu”?
Wrapping data in context matters.
Soft Power Leaders make their data sing.
- Anwell Tsai
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