The most expensive minute.
Time is precious. What's the most expensive minute in your day?
If you end a meeting just one minute early, your team will love it. They’ll feel like you valued their time. You appreciated the attention they already gave. You’ll earn their trust.
If you end just one minute past the bell, the opposite happens.
They’ll feel like you did not value their time. You did not appreciate the attention they already gave you. You did not manage their time well and are now taking them away from crucial work. You’ll lose their trust.
While you’re frantically trying to finish that one last agenda item, they’ll be thinking about all the action items they haven’t yet done. They’ll direct their frustrations at you. Good luck trying to keep their attention. Even worse, for the next dozen meetings, they’ll be wondering, are you going to go over time again?
Think long and hard about this extra minute. What is so vital that you need to go over time instead of sending a quick email?
Soft Power Leaders don’t go over time.
- Anwell Tsai
Time is precious. What's the most expensive minute in your day?
If you end a meeting just one minute early, your team will love it. They’ll feel like you valued their time. You appreciated the attention they already gave. You’ll earn their trust.
If you end just one minute past the bell, the opposite happens.
They’ll feel like you did not value their time. You did not appreciate the attention they already gave you. You did not manage their time well and are now taking them away from crucial work. You’ll lose their trust.
While you’re frantically trying to finish that one last agenda item, they’ll be thinking about all the action items they haven’t yet done. They’ll direct their frustrations at you. Good luck trying to keep their attention. Even worse, for the next dozen meetings, they’ll be wondering, are you going to go over time again?
Think long and hard about this extra minute. What is so vital that you need to go over time instead of sending a quick email?
Soft Power Leaders don’t go over time.
- Anwell Tsai
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